
Well hello

I'm Clare 39 and from Worthing in West Sussex.
I am happy girl but would like to have someone that leaves me thinking about them, in my life.

Honestly describing myself as a chatty, confident and fun person to be around and really easy to get on with. I have a great sense of humour, bit nutty at times, with a little naughty side. There is a definite affectionate and passionate side to me with someone that reels me in.
I love learning and I am constantly bettering myself with training and qualifications.I have qualified as a nurse, an ambulance technician, some IT, and now teach little children! One of these days I will make up my mind what I want to do!
My son is 10 so if you have kids or like them that's a bonus, not really much point in contacting me if you don't. I have recently lost him to Cyber world and now get a lot of time to myself.....Well in the evenings after a hectic day!!
Weekends I like to go places, Beach or Downs maybe on a sunny warm day, or up to ride the horse. Pub gardens are good too. I am a totally independent woman running my own home and finances so someone of similar circumstances would suit me!

Im looking for a man that can make me laugh and is positive in life! By that I also mean I would rather not hear from anybody that is going through divorce, have done that and said I would never do it again...too much going on! I like a man that has his own place rather than living with parents! I am nearly 40 and not really into guys that are still being looked after by mum! That includes after a marriage break up! This is because I think you have still not moved on and got your life back!
I have got to admit I am a sucker for muscles as I feel all cosy wrapped in a strong pair of arms lol.I like a guy who is equally affectionate and passionate.

I would like to hook up with a nice guy to spend time with, have lots of fun with and maybe work towards something good.
I'm not really into 'No strings attatched' situations

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: West Sussex
City/Town: Worthing
Age: 41
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Slim
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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