
ute loads of laughs and a great catch!!

I am testing the water again as I am just not meeting the right kind of guys:-( I may be fairly short at only 5ft but I have a big heart. I am loads of laughs and I can certainly enjoy myself. I have not had everything handed on a plate, but work hard at trying to succeed a little bit. . I enjoy pubbing/clubbing it, going to the cinema, eating in or out, theatres, country walks, seasides, motorbikes, romance etc. I love fashion and music and animals.I am looking for a man who is loving, caring, sensitive, loyal, genuine, who has a GSOH, who lives life to the full.Must like animals and children. Ideal is someone who enjoys eating out/in, music, dancing, weekends away, motorsport, video/cinemas. He must be loads of fun and enjoy a womans company, wether in or out of the house

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: West Yorkshire
City/Town: Wakefield
Age: 38
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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