
Hi there, I enjoy going to festivals pottering in the garden, I have a dog and chickens so spend a lot of time in the garden which I love. I like to read and to be honest live a quiet and sedate life. My son and I are very close and he is my world, he lives with me. I am a caring soul and have been on my own for a long while now...because I am a complete coward! I am 'manning up' for want of a better phrase and trying this. I'm looking for a kind man, with a brain and the ability to hold a conversation, I am not fussed about looks as I know that what's on the inside counts, I hope you feel the same.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Cornwall
City/Town: Truro
Age: 39
Martial Status:
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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