

I'm not sure what to write here so I thought I would just write a list of flaws. Get that over and done with because to be honest, everything else is good.

1. I'm late. Constantly. I can't help it, I just always am.
2. I don't make the bed on a morning. I'm too busy not getting ready and making myself late to do it. See above.
3. I have a habit of texting at the most inappropriate of times. I'm not ignoring you if I do it in your presence, I just love my phone. I do know, however, when to turn it off!
4. I can be selfish. Not to massive proportions but to a healthy amount. Isn't everyone? I would NOT share my last Rolo.
5. I have a tendency to make a joke of everything. Again, something I can't help.
6. I could sleep all weekend but get up ridiculously early during the week for work. 6am. I'm still always late. And I am yet to identify WHY.
7. I eat far too much for a woman. I deserve to be 20 stone. Luckily for you though, I am not.

That's all the crucial information you need I think. If you happen to still be interested, and god bless you if you are, send me a message. If not, I'm sorry but these are pretty standard and you'll have to find them out about another girl the slow and painful way.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Tyne and Wear
City/Town: Sunderland
Age: 24
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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