
Hiya, my name is Angie, pleased to meet you!
Well where shall I start?
I think if you asked my friends to describe me, I would like to think they would say that I was honest loyal caring funny and clumsy and a bit scatty!!
I have a job that I love as it offers me new learning oppurtunities every day, I am also a trained massage therapist, and a very good cook!
I love music especially live music have been to festivals and lots of gigs and fingers crossed will be going glastonbury this year!! woohoo!!
I love to keep fit go tothe gym regularly tho im not fanatical I enjoy good food too much!!
I have a good network of family and friends, I enjoy going down my local pubs for a few drinks with friends and sometimes we venture into town to throw some shapes on the dance floor!!

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Southampton
City/Town: Southampton
Age: 34
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Athletic
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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