
I'm a strong minded student who has no interest in a relationship, so here I am!

I'm not a stick, I have hips, boobs, an ass and I LIKE that, it ain't gonna change any time soon.
Not interested in being a third wheel for your threesomes, been there, done that - find yourself a friend or something!

I am looking for just sex, but I do have a brain inside my head so if I'm not drawn to you in that sense, you won't catch me bedding down with you!

So to conclude.

- Only looking for sex
- Looking for sex with someone who also has a functioning brain.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Southampton
City/Town: Southampton
Age: 23
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Curvy
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Non Smoker
Drinking: Light/Social Drinker

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