
I like to think of life as an adventure and like to take every opportunity to learn more about myself. I'm very independent but would like to find someone genuine to share my life with, someone I can respect who will inspire me. I work full time but also write, I have 2 books self-published and am currently working on my third after which I intend to find myself an agent and publisher. I love walking and exploring, eating out or cooking for people at home. I have quite broad tastes in music and enjoy going to see live bands. I like to go out dancing but am just as happy with a quiet night in and a good film.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Wiltshire
City/Town: Salisbury
Age: 40
Martial Status:
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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