

Really not sure what to write here because im sure you cannot tell a person by who they are from a few words... im more to what you see in a photograph.. I`m me for me, I like different things but ill always make an effort to like something and try things..

I love horses and they will always be part of my life.. im not saying im looking for someone who has to like horses or ride them.. just someone who takes an interest in my hobbies.. Ill always take an interest in yours even if its football, but i must say i kinda would like to go to a football game and watch..

Im looking for someone who likes me for who i am not for looks or how skinny or short or curvy someone is because you can never judge a book by its cover...

I work in admin and hopefully bar work soon, i have no driving license yet but working towards that this year to be more independent.. i live with my parents..

Please don't mail me asking for one night stands and fun because im not interested.. Also if you just like to mess with girls heads 2 please don't even try as im not interested in wasters...

If you fancy a chat then mail me :Dxx

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Norfolk
City/Town: Norwich
Age: 22
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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