
Hiiiii,lets try and explain my self, well i have blonde hair blue eyess bla bla bla the rest we can talk aboutt without me going on about my self,.i love life generally always happy and like to make people smile, i have plenty of friends and love spending time with themm i work in the weekdays soo weekends are all about going out clubbing or chilling out and enjoying each others company, I loveee! going on holidays with all my girls enjoying my self! at first i can come off shy but once you get to no me you cant shut me upp,haa:)...Music i like dance,retro,r n b,pop,oldies and a bit of indie,anyways ill stop trying to tell my whole life story and let you get to no me if you want to no anythink else just giz a inbox ;) xxx

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Middlesbrough
City/Town: Middlesbrough
Age: 23
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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