
Im pretty much old fashioned in one sense and i prefer the nicer side of life such as spending time with family and friends as opposed to being materialist and self proud.

Im a pretty shy person with many random interests ranging from kicking ass on the PS3 (total geek i know but i love it) to kicking ass in the ring as a semi-pro womens wrestler. Im currently unemployed however i run my own set of online websites based around womens wrestling and the wrestling industry as a whole.

In my spare time i love to hang out with my friends, bombard the internet and just generally have a laugh as well as writing articles for the website which is due to unveil later this year.

Im known amongst my friends for being the giggly one of the group and one who literally laughs at just about everything, but when i need to be im pretty much the one thats there whenever someone needs a shoulder to cry on or just generally talk about their issues. Modern Day White Trisha as they call me x

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Middlesbrough
City/Town: Middlesbrough
Age: 27
Martial Status:
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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