
Hi, I am a relatively normal girl (so the voices keep telling me) who is looking for a relationship.I like eating out, and movies in or out. I also dance and do martial arts. I don't really have any current goals or aspirations; I go where the flow takes me - life is an adventure! I have a wide taste in music, but mostly pop and soft rock. Anyone who truely knows me, knows that I am confident and bubbly once I have lost the initial shyness (perhaps just the first half hour or so), that I can talk for England, that I am stubborn, very driven (when it is something I want badly enough) and opinionated, but soft-hearted, funny, honest and fiercely loyal. I am the one my friends come to when they want an honest opinion, advice or a shoulder to cry on. I am reasonably fit and give most things a go at least once, although I have a few limitations. My children and my pets mean the world to me. That is me in a nutshell...

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Nottinghamshire
City/Town: Mansfield
Age: 37
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Slim
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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