
I am confident and scared,terrified and excited.I am a loving and caring. I am sick and tired.I am shy and friendly
and careful and careless, I am broken and whole.I am misunderstood and misguided. I pray to God cry with tears.
i am hardworking and determined but a little scared inside.I wish on stars and dream on my dream.I smile on the the outside but dying inside.I listen to other who do not listen to me.I walk on eggshell and i walk on fire.
I am everything and nothing all at once.
A man who believe and trust me.A man who will see the beauty in me and accept my ugliest in me.Believes in passion
but not in true love. I want you but not so close.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Greater Manchester
City/Town: Manchester
Age: 30
Martial Status: Attached
Body Type: Average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Heavy
Drinking: Prefer not to say

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