

Hate writing stuff like this, not easy to describe yourself! lol

Ok well im kindof a tomboy for starters so im used to being independant doing my own d.i.y and carrying heavy stuff etc so no offence out there but i dont need a guy to tell me i shouldnt be doing this kind of stuff.
Iv been told im also stubborn, short tempered at times, observant, honest, loyal and shy yet confidant depending on situations.

I love all animals.. yes even insects and spiders!!
Think im starting to turn veggy or at least eat only chicken and fish as other meats are starting to make me feel ill :S
I love being outdoors and iv always had keen interests in Hiking, climbing, Riding, camping etc Id love to go ab-sailing :O

Im very much into martial arts and would like to learn jeet kune do or capoeira as i only know kung-fu at the mo. I also used to shoot - Archery but havnt done this for awhile.
During the winter when im stuck in i like to read sci-fi, fantasy or horror books esp vamps and weres or i will play my ps2.
I like the same types of the above in films but also martial arts, action, comedy and ofc animal films.

Music im not fussy as long as i like the beat so i can like some dance, pop, rock, metal and yes even classical :P

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: West Yorkshire
City/Town: Huddersfield
Age: 30
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Slim
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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