
I am 47 yrs old and 5ft 5 tall, and very slim..I am shortly to be divorced from the man I spent 19yrs with, who left me devastated.I am looking for a man over 5ft 9 tall and prefer men with hair! ......and a good build. I enjoy dining out and socializing, drink alcohol in extreme moderation, and enjoy cosy nights in too,watching a good video with a glass of wine and a choccie bar! I don't ask for too much in life and enjoy simply going for a walk on a warm day with the birds chirping. I don't smoke either.I have one daughter who is 23 and lives at home with me,she has been my rock getting me through the bad times. I have a pedigree cat that I adore too.Can't think of anything else of significance to say now,so will leave it there. thankyou.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: West Yorkshire
City/Town: Huddersfield
Age: 20
Martial Status:
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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