
Just a normal girl looking for a normal guy.... how hard can it be????

I consider myself fun loving and spontanious and i have been told i have a witty sense of humour! I am hard working, warm, affectionate and a very good listener. Enjoys anything from great conversations to playing practical jokes when you least expect it. I have no hidden agendas and have been told on numerous occasions i am a very down to earth girl, so thankyou to all that have said that about me.

Basically what you see is what you get and i dont put any aires or graces on for anyone. I am true to myself and others around me. Nothing about me is fake i am very open and honest, dont see the point of lying it dont get you anywhere and seems to come back to those and bite them on the backside so whats that all about!

I will either intrigue you or you will just walk on by, thats life so we just deal with it. As long as you can hold your head up high and treat people with respect thats all that matters in my book.

My other interests are a wide range of sports including football! Enjoy watching the game, definately not playing it lol and yes guys i do know the offside rule so you wouldnt have to sit there for hours trying to explain it to me!! Am i a guys dream..... that i dont mind you sitting infront of the tv watching the game. If you are not into sport well thats ok too because if we was all programmed the same it would be boring and they do say opposite attract!

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Hertfordshire
City/Town: Hitchin
Age: 43
Martial Status: Separated
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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