
Not exactly sure what this is asking for, I could spend hours telling you about my history, what I like, my dislikes and what I want to do with my life. But I can't guarantee that the information would be 100% accurate. I always change my mind, that I can guarantee.

For a starter, it's obvious if you haven't read this, so you email will be put in the trash. I am not looking for fast track dating but I'm not looking for an ignorant male either. Emmaline is the full name. Anyone calling me Emma will also go in the trash. I am one person with one name.

I move around a lot. So no, the place I'm currently in is not where I'm from. Hartlepool is the current. I just move to keep everything fresh!

I like the gym, to build up a huge sweat and pushing my limits. I liked to be pushed to my limit. I like surprises. I will always love the ocean, swimming and surfing is something I will always try to do yearly.

I am currently saving my ass off for the world round trip ticket! I want to travel as much as I can and NEED adventure in my life!

I like the rain, no matter how hard or light it is. I like thunderstorms, the intense energy that is around from them. I like to read immense amounts!

I do have piercings and tattoos. I love them all, I consider it an expression of art! Although I am now missing a lot of my facial piercings.

I admit it now, I'm a 6 date and maybe a kiss kind of girl. My parents raised me to never take a guy into your room unless your sure he's not:
A murderer (Blood stains the Carpets and wood flooring)
A Rapist (Therapy bills are expensive and with the recession ...)

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Hartlepool
City/Town: Hartlepool
Age: 22
Martial Status: Single
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: No
Drinking: Yes

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