
really not sure what to write about myself but i'll have a go,ok well,my real name is natasha im 29 im an easy person to get along with and to chat to,i treat people the way i would like to be treated and thats with respect,im genuine,honest,trustworthy and would like to meet someone the same,i have a daughter she is now 11 i love spending time with her making things messing about and having a laugh with her,i like most kinds of music(apart from rock sorry) but mainly like sean paul,collie buddz,i like all kinds of movies,im not the kind of girl to go out to nightclubs to party as i dont drink, i would prefer to stay in and watch a good movie on tv or just go for a quite drink(coke)somewhere lol.
This may make me sound like a bit of a cow so sorry in advance,i dont like liers,of course im sure we have all told little white lies before but there comes a time when you think to yourself whats the point in lying maybe 1 day you will be caught out so we may aswell be honest :)

i do have a few favorite quotations and they are:

"I'd rather be 'hurt' by your honesty, than pleased by your 'lies'

if you dont like me at my worst,then you dont deserve me at my best.

Don't take a good woman for granted. Someday someone will come along and appreciate what you didn't.

but the best one has got to be:

When there's something you really want fight for it,never give up no matter how hopeless it seems,even when you have lost all hope,Because years from now you will look back and wish you gave it one last shot,Because the best things in life dont come easy.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: West Midlands
City/Town: Coventry
Age: 32
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Slim
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: Yes

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