
I like to think I'm quite an active person, I enjoy skiing, cycling, going to the gym, socialising, and reading. Love going to festivals (been to a grand total of one, but loved it) which shows that I enjoy trying new things and taking a few risks (those portaloos definitely ARE a risk at festivals), I'm also a bit of a travel bug and try to go to lots of different places. I'm quite outdoorsy, I'm all up for going camping on a bit of a last minute whim, walking also.

I'm not a fan of spending my spare time doing nothing, I'm always on the go, I have a second job just in case I don't have anything to do. I love spending time with my friends and just generally having fun, you only live once, right?

I like rap, RnB, BIG fan of Kings of Leon and lots of other Indie. Dance, Dubstep, anything really!

If you want to know more, say hello!

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Cheshire
City/Town: Chester
Age: 25
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Athletic
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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