
Well, I'm new to the area and interested in meeting a few more people. I like to hear about other people, what makes them tick, what makes them sick, what they love or just plain random facts about themselves. If you've got something interesting to say for yourself I'd love to hear from you...I'm a fairly friendly sort of person the majority of the time!! Send me a random fact about yourself, I'd love to hear it! And I have many about myself to return!

I'm fun, considerate, intelligent, polite, and have a wickedly naughty side if you know how to bring it out! I'm ashamed to admit I love carry on films, and old comedies are awesome!! I love eerie thrillers and films that make you ones that allow you not to exercise a single brain cell!!

I'm pretty clumsy, and tend to be covered in a few bruises from walking into inanimate objects that I am convinced are conspiring against me to move at the last minute! I break into a cold sweat at the thought of being late to things...yet somehow often end up being late anyway... I love thunderstorms (who doesn't though?!), hate rudeness, absolutely adore stationary (odd I know!), and miss my dog.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Gloucestershire
City/Town: Cheltenham
Age: 34
Martial Status:
Body Type:
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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