
I'm fun and certainly seek someone who is the same, someone who can make me laugh alot but also has a caring and sensitive side and is little bit of a romantic. Depending on where things go I would like there to be absolute honesty and trust otherwise I just won't be interested!

I enjoy Muay Thai kick boxing which I do three times a week, anything to do with rowing, socialising with my friends and do travel about quite a bit as family and friends are dotted all over the country! Love going away for weekends which are not always planned as i have a very spontaneous side to me!

I detest dishonesty and not a nice quality to have so as I said before if you have that in you I just won't be interested! I like men that aren't necessarily health freaks, however, take care of themselves. I love cooking so if you like being cooked for here I am! I'm a very easygoing, fun, honest, generous woman so if you like the sound of everything I have said let me know.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Essex
City/Town: Chelmsford
Age: 37
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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