
Hi, I'm Amy, 22years old.. Natural blonde :/ Quite small (5"5) and an average size... Me and exercise just don't mix. So, if your one of these exercise fanatics who swear by the Gym, and are looking for someone just as fit and active... Then i ain't the right girl! LOL.
And, although I've not got a certain type, I do only want someone who can be faithful when [b]IN[/b] a Relationship and truthful!! FACT!

But, apart from that...
I work in a nursing home, to which I actually love, I have a good laugh... I'm an easy-going girl who really just wants to have fun! I enjoy going to the pub for a good ol' piss-up.. And laying in bed Allday the following day (That type of thing!)
I spend a lot of my time with a small bunch of friends, Shopping, Cinema, Partying etc...

ONE day I'd like to go travelling, The biggest regret of my life would be not going!! So i'm all for that (Note to self.. Must start saving!)
Ummmm, more about mt.. :/ I have a weird phobia of balloons, not the Helium ones, just normal ones.. F**k knows why, they just scare the sh*t out of me! And spiders.. Nasty things!

Don't really know what else to say.. Ask anything you wanna know, If you've got BBM my pin is 26AFB2AC

...Hope to speak soon :D x

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Cambridgeshire
City/Town: Cambridge
Age: 24
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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