
I enjoy going out to comedy clubs, cinema, clubbing, anything that gets me out of the house really. I will try everything once! So all new ideas are welcome.
My taste in music is very variable depending on the song, if it has a good sound, I am listening. I must admit I am not into country, dubstep or techno.

Current goals are to finish university, work within the events industry to gain more experience and own my own cleaning company, which I am in the process of researching.

What makes me unique??? Probably that I am double jointed in my arms. That is really not that interesting, but it's unique!

I'm chilled out, enjoy a joke, charming, slightly eccentric and all round energy ball.

The scary fact about me is: I have been attached for the past 10 years. Being single for the first time in a reeeeeeaaaallly long time, I am looking for someone to hang out with, go on dates with (we can go dutch if needs be)with potential for a possible future.

I don't want people looking for casual flings or opportunists. SO DO NOT CONTACT ME! I can spot you a mile off!

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Brighton and Hove
City/Town: Brighton
Age: 26
Martial Status:
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: No
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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