
I'm just a laid back happy go lucky girl.
My friends and family are really important to me.

I really love live music and go to as many summer festivals as i can they are just amazing!!
I enjoy camping and being outside. My music taste varies dramatically basically if it sounds good i like it, i don't really like much r 'n' b though!!

I'm looking to go to uni in the not to distant future to study child and education psychology :) It's something that i have always wanted to do but had a break from education to have my children who are also amazing :)

I love to visit new countries and find out about their cultures and the different ways of life it's a big old world out there ;)

If you like the sound of my profile then it would be great to hear from you x

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Bournemouth
City/Town: Bournemouth
Age: 37
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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