
i love to explore new things. do things that i haven't done before. things that will surprise and amaze me.
discover new heights. i also love to meet new people from different walks of life. talk to them about everything.
i would listen to their stories and would love to try things with them. from simple things to their wildest ones.
i would love to have someone who can keep up with me from my roughest rides to simple things. i love to be on top of everything
and would love to have a man who can tame me. a man who is not afraid to back me up all the times but is also willing to
to submit to me. a courageous knight in shining armour with a huge sword but a gentle lover at the same time.

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Somerset
City/Town: Bath
Age: 29
Martial Status: Attached
Body Type: Average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Light
Drinking: Heavy

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