
I have bipolar, if you cant handle it dont waste my time by getting in touch.

We all find ourselves at that stage , where having taken time out we are ready to dip our toes back in the water.
Thats why we are all here i guess.

But it isn't as easy as that as i'm finding.
I like the pub for a few or a girly night out, love taking my child to theater, love walking the dogs in the woods/fields, typical in loving shopping and i'm an avid reader.
Musical taste, catchy tunes none of this hip hop, RnB, techno etc.
I'm loyal, good listener and very selfless.
i can be complex and contradictory, we all have our querks.
My preference is someone between 28-38 with hair, i just love running my fingers through, i prefer white guys though i'm a mixed race girl. A smoker or someone who doesn't mind me being one.

I'm unique in that i'm actually a nice girl, lovely as i'm always being told.
I dont care about what job or salary you have, handy if you drive it does get tiring always travelling on the train.
Overall i'm looking for someone i connect with.
But i want the good old fashion courting first

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Kent
City/Town: Ashford
Age: 35
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: About average
Can Accommodate: Yes
Can Travel: No
Smoking: No
Drinking: No

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