
I'm not on a desperate mission to find someone! I have a busy work life, and I love my time in the gym - tend to go about 5 times a week - so I rarely get to meet new people.

my friends think I'm incredibly picky, and I'd probably agree! but I'd rather be single and happy, than paired-up for the sake of being in a relationship!

I know who I am, and what I want, and I'm working damn hard to get it! having someone to share that with - yeah, that'd be cool, but Id rather spend time with someone that's on the same track.

I'm pretty honest - there's little point beating around the bush - life's too short and we've all had our feelings hurt at some point, so I don't see the point in messing around!

right, so serious stuff aside!

I have a pretty short attention span, i get bored pretty easily therefore need someone to keep me on my toes!

can be a bossy little madam, so someone unafraid of a challenge would be a good start!

I like adventures, cars, holidays, gigs and festivals.

I spend most of the week at the cinema with friends, and the weekend driving around causing trouble!

I love my fashion, although i'd rather watch top gear than britain's next top model.

my style is my own, and i'd hate to be thought of as a follower. I hate oxford street - I'm far happier boutique shopping down notting hill.

if that's not your usual cup of tea, well there's plenty more fish out there for you! :p

User Statistics

Gender: Female
Country: England
County: Devon
City/Town: Bideford
Age: 28
Martial Status: Single
Body Type: Athletic
Can Accommodate: No
Can Travel: Yes
Smoking: Yes
Drinking: No

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